
Troubleshooting Dual-Hub configurations

This guide explains how to diagnose and resolve issues with a Dual-Hub VoCoVo Link. If your system includes two Hubs and two charging Docks, you are using a Dual-Hub configuration. In most cases, the same troubleshooting advice applies to Dual-Hub as Single-Hub setups. But two additional factors can affect Dual-Hub configurations: Networking and Hub-to-Hub communication.


Dual-Hub status LED

When using Dual-Hub mode, the Hub status LEDs can provide some more information:

Solid orange / red
The Hub is working but the signal between the two Hubs is poor. Each Hub has an effective range of 50m (40m in the US), and both Hubs need to be able to talk to each other to allow for seamless handover of Headsets. Try moving the Hubs closer to improve the signal.

Blinking red
The network connection between the two Hubs is not available. Check the cable and ensure the switch or router is powered up and working.


Reset both units

In some cases local power or network issues can cause an error in one of the Hubs which interrupts communication for one or more Headsets. In this situation, the easiest way to get your Dual-Hub system up and running normally is to reset both Hubs by switching the power to each unit off, pausing for 5 seconds, and then switching it on again. Give the units a couple of minutes to reestablish communication and your Headsets should all be back on the same conference.


Power supply

When connecting two charging Docks, check that the power cables are attached correctly and that the correct VoCoVo Link power supply has been used.

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